From mdf to gdb with free software

You need MS Reporting Services Express. First download an d install SQLEXPR_TOOLKIT.EXE from this page after you selected the language.
Follow this way: Start>Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2005>Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Will appear the initial page of Visual Studio 2005. In the initial page, if does exist a project, go on. If does not exist a project create a new project. In solution explorer right clic on the project and select add>new element. In the window which appear select wizard for new report. Next. Select new data origin>Type=Microsoft Sql server>Connection string="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=path of the database;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True">Window query project">select*from YourTable>Window Select Report type>Table>Window table project>Will appear all fields of your table>leave all as it is>Next>Window "Select table style">Select a style>Window completion wizard>textbox Report name>give a name>End>Clic preview>The table will appear>Export>Excel.
IBEasy 1.5.2
When you open IBEasy 1.5.2 it shows error, but after it opens correctly. If you want to remove the error message, put in this application directory:
- fbembed.dll
- icuu30.dll
- icuin30.dll
- icudt30.dll
Now open IBEasy 1.5.2>Open your database>Create a new table>Create corresponding fields>Follow the instruction for import a table Excel by IBeasy guide.

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