IIS show error running ASP.net pages? Solved

Hello friends, I noticed my 5.1 IIS on windows xp not showing aspx pages. After some troubling, I found the cause of the issue: I needed un...

Howto create a firebird DSN for windows xp

Notice: this procedure is valid only for windows xp: For windows 7 read this post: http://firebird-vbnet.blogspot.it/2013/05/howto-create-d...

Establishing a data connection for Asp.net page

With Visual Web Developer, from Microsoft: Create an ODBC data source for the database In default.aspx web form drag and drop a Gridview ...

Found two bugs in Visual Basic express + SP1

The properties rows of datagridview and visiblerows.count of datagrid mark 1 plus record. Done my signal to Microsoft.

Dbms Firebird and Vb.net

Warning: this article has been modified on 17 February 2007 Dbms the Firebird offers excellent performances also regarding other famou...

Firebird in applications shared in LAN net

In the client applications in which more computer are connected in network In the application project use a connection string like this ...

Firebird in applications not connected in network

In order to distribute applications not connected in network but like installabile program on a whichever computer, use the following proced...