Cannot watch videos of certain website? Solved

Most likely you are using Firefox or Chrome and are using 'I don't care about cookies' extension. Then you have to follow below ...

css. line-height not working? Problem solved

I searched everywhere to solve my problem. But nothing. Eventually I replaced  'line-height' with 'min-height', and the prob...

Links not opening from google search web page. A valid remedy

Most probably you are using 'Ublock origin' addon. Disable it for google search webpage. Solved Goodby.

Firefox. Impossible to import bookmarks? A possible remedy

After many attempts and searching I solved the problem this manner: Remove the 'Default bookmarks folder' addon. Done! Goodbye

High speed fan, CPU overloaded. A possible remedy

Right click on taskbar  Choose 'Activity manager' Clic on 'Start' tab Disable this process: - 2016 Now the pr...

png and gif thumbnails not showing? Easily solved

 What you have to do is this: Go to folder where are gifs and pngs. Copy all files e move theese to a new folder you created before. Now thu...

Classic shell. Start menu fonts too small? Problem solved

Well, you have to do this: Go to start menu settings Click on 'Menu look' tab Here you have to do this: small icon size and la...