VB.net. How to get a customized msgbox. Working code

Hello friends here's the code: First create two forms: Form1 and Message (give to Message the size you want but adjust the location o...

USB device not detected? Solved

After long searching in google I finally found a personal easy solution to this problem, First of all you have to download USBDeview.e...

How to create a LAN network (in Italian language) in Windows 10

Open this link: http://galileo2010.blogspot.com/2018/05/come-creare-rete-fra-due-pc-risolto.html Goodbye

How to show Windows Defender tray icon in Win 10

See here the instructions: http://winaero.com/blog/how-to-show-or-hide-windows-defender-tray-icon-in-windows-10 http://winaero.com/blog/how-...

cmd error 0x0000018. Solved

When this error occurs the commands non more work in windows. To solve the problem: In Control Panel click on 'Programs and features...

Windows forms localizing by Resgen.exe

Frequently isn't so easy to develop a localized widows forms application. For this reason I want to write this post based on my experien...

Blogger. Related posts different from post title

These related posts are only text. Frequently related posts contain same title as post title. In this post I'll show you a way to avoi...

Can't install MS reportviewer? Solved

To install reportviewer you have to download and install MICROSOFT REPORT VIEWER 2012 RUNTIME from here: http://www.microsoft.com/it-it/down...

Visual Studio doesn't compile? A remedy

Strangely enough, Visual Studio did not compile my own project. The locked folder was 'obj'. I looked for the cause in various way...

Blogger. How to exclude a category from homepage. Solved

First, make a backup copy of your template. Open your template. Locate: <b:if cond="data:mobile == "false""> ...

Can't create or connect to a firebird database? Solved

If you want to create a gdb database by EMS SQL Manager Lite for InterBase & Firebird you need the not obsolete firebird embed version w...

How to create a firebird DSN for windows 7. Solved

Follow the next procedure: close VWD if opened. First case. Client Server structure: First install a Firebird ODBC build from Firebirdsql....

How to get MS ReportViewer control in VS Express. Solved

For Windows 7 and later Visual studio 2013 Express and maybe also Visual studio 2012 supports ReportViewer control!   Download and...

Vb.net. Old applications give error in win7 and win vista? Solved

In this case application has to be rebuild. Proceed this way: In IDE>tools>options>Projects and solutions>check "Show alw...

Could not load type System.Runtime.CompilerServices. Solved

I was getting this exception. After searching in Vb.net guide and in google I found this solution: install net framework 4.5. This way I sol...